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First World War (1914-1918)
The U-Boat Menace

The emergence of the submarine was a major development in naval warfare. German submarine - or U-Boat - attacks against Allied shipping in the Atlantic and in European waters posed a major threat to the Allied war effort.

Qu'importe l'existence des Neutres! L'Allemagne est au dessus de tout! (Neutrality is irrelevant! Germany sees herself above all else!)

This print by French artist Jules Grandjouan attacks German U-Boats and their crews for leaving civilians to perish in the water.

The U-Boat here is about to abandon civilian men, women, and children to their fate. Allied propagandists used the supposedly indiscriminate violence of Germany's unrestricted U-Boat campaign to rally their own and neutral citizens in support of the war.

Qu'importe l'existence des Neutres! L'Allemagne est au dessus de tout!
Print by Jules Grandjouan
Beaverbrook Collection of War Art
CWM 19910216-372