Objects and Photographs

This section brings together the approximately 700 objects and photographs used in Canada's Naval History. Use this section to directly access objects and photographs grouped by type, as shown below, or use the search function above to search through them by title.

A New Gun for the Destroyer

In Tom Wood's 1945 painting, a new gun (centre) is fitted to a Canadian destroyer.

Writing on the gun shield indicates it is the "A" gun, the foremost gun on a ship, while the arrow inside the "C" identifies it as Canadian property. In addition to building ships, navies also have to maintain, repair and upgrade them. Upgrades in particular proved to be a considerable challenge for the hard-pressed Royal Canadian Navy, Canada's shipyards, and the associated industries supplying equipment like electronics.

A New Gun for the Destroyer
Painted by Tom Wood in 1945
Beaverbrook Collection of War Art
CWM 19710261-4895